Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 15, 2009--Technology and its changing ways

Technology savvy students,

Excellent work so far :) Here is your task:

Assignment 1:

Post a blog entry on your own site discussing the following:

1) Describe the technological advances over the last 60 years
2) How has technology changed your life?
3) Describe a day in the life of someone in the year 2069
4) Describe how technology has advanced in various cultures

Keep in mind our class discussions and the graphic organizer you created on the computer. You may use your handouts to help you also.

When you have finished your blog, you MUST:
Comment on at least 2 posts written by any two of your classmates.

How will you be graded?
Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation

Happy Writing :)

Mrs. Saul


  1. This is how you post a comment. Type in the "Post a Comment" box below the post. We have done this in class before, if you forget, ask a classmate or see me :)

  2. Mrs. Saul, I'm working on my assignment and I was wondering how I would go about answering the question about technology in 2069. Do you want us to just make something up on what we think technology will look/be like or is there somewhere we can go to look at facts on what types of technology are in the process of being developed? Thanks for your help. Emily

  3. Emily,

    The sky is the limit for this one :). You can write about what you think a day in the life of a student might be or list the "new" technologies and tell what they are for. For example, maybe there is an automatic homework grader and students drop their homework in it and it's spit back out with a grade? Have fun with this Emily!
